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Specializing in Anxiety Treatment, Depression and Couples Therapy


In therapy for anxiety with a Gestalt therapist, you will explore your anxiety in various ways to increase your awareness of how it affects you. One of the ways is to focus on body awareness and pay attention to the physical sensations of anxiety in your body, such as tension or restlessness. You will also examine how anxiety appears in different contexts, such as discussing a topic or wondering about the therapist's thoughts.


Together, you will search for clues to understand the meaning and purpose of your anxiety. By exploring the bodily experience and the words you use to describe your anxiety, you can learn what is missing or what you need to work on to manage anxiety.


It is also essential to identify what you would be feeling if you were not anxious, as anxiety often covers up other suppressed emotions. Experimentation in therapy is encouraged to explore habitual patterns and try new ways of coping with anxiety. With the therapist's support, you can gain new insights into what is challenging for you and find ways to manage anxiety more effectively.


Depression has various causes, including social and psychological factors, and counseling or psychotherapy has been proven to help those affected by it. In severe cases, a combination of medication and psychotherapy may be used.


Gestalt therapy provides a supportive and safe therapeutic relationship that allows individuals to work through difficulties and gain a better understanding of their experience with depression. In Gestalt therapy, each client is viewed as a unique individual, and no two people experience depression in the same way or for the same reasons. The therapy focuses on exploring the individual causes of depression and understanding what it is like for the client to experience depression in their unique way. Gestalt therapy recognizes that depression is not solely within the person but also in the situation they have been through, are currently living, and carrying with them.


In Gestalt therapy, the therapeutic relationship is essential in treating depression. The therapist acknowledges and empathizes with the client's experience, normalizes it, and builds trust to encourage a strong working alliance. This supportive environment allows clients to explore new coping skills and take risks. Therapy provides a safe space for those with depression to share their deepest thoughts and beliefs without judgment or advice. It is an opportunity to break the cycle of depression and reconnect with others and themselves in meaningful ways. Allowing clients to tell their stories and be heard, it can be transformative and make a significant difference in their recovery.



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Couples Therapy
Couples Therapy

When a couple enters therapy, the presence of a third party, the therapist, changes the relationship dynamic. The couple often comes to therapy with a desire to change things and try something different. This shift in dynamic enables the therapist to bring to light aspects of the relationship that the couple may not be able to explore together.


Trust is a common issue in relationships, particularly when it has been betrayed. The importance of trust in human existence cannot be overstated. Without trust, relationships can be at a disadvantage, and a distance can form between partners.


In order to establish trust, individuals must have confidence and self-esteem. When trust is betrayed, it is crucial to recognize that it is not the fault of the person who trusted. Both individuals must examine the process of self-esteem and the underlying needs that are present to repair the damage that has been done.


Healing after a breach of trust takes time, courage, and commitment. It is likely that the relationship will change as a result, but the ability to move forward and solve difficulties together is the primary goal of therapy. In Gestalt couples therapy, blame and fault are not the focus, and the session is centered on contact in the relationship. With the therapist's guidance, the couple can learn to relax together, enjoy each other's company, and rebuild trust.


Gestalt therapy is used to treat many conditions as well as the symptoms associated with distressing mental health disorders. It has profound effects on various mental health concerns such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), mood disorders, addiction, and even relational issues.


Unresolved trauma, distress, and anxiety contribute to prolonged and negative emotional, mental, and physical effects. Gestalt therapy can help to remove any physical, mental, and emotional blocks from the past while staying focused on the present moment. It helps clients hold themselves accountable for the things they can control while simultaneously encouraging clients to let go of past experiences that seem to control their behavior today.


Clients who experience this form of therapy tend to struggle with current behaviors as they were shaped from previous traumatic experiences. Therapy sessions aim to help clients remove unwanted thoughts and pre-programmed responses that had become a habit at the cause of their past trauma.


Adolescent Therapy
Pregnancy and Postpartum 

The reality is modern motherhood is a significant social challenge to moms and their mental health. We acknowledge and provide support to address these challenges that moms endure. It’s important to know that you can access mental health support to cope in real-time, rather than spend years suffering.


Whatever stage of the journey you are on… whether you are trying to have a child, are dealing with a newborn, are juggling a toddler, trying to tackle the teen years, or are suddenly faced with an empty nest…. counseling can help show you that you’re not alone.

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